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9 Facts About Traumatic Brain Injury You May Not Know

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a CATASTROPHIC health situation and a major cause of disability and even death.  According to the CDC, between the years 2006 and 2014, the number of TBI-related injuries increased by 53%.  An estimated 1.4 million people in the U.S. suffer from traumatic brain injuries each year, although some go unreported or are misdiagnosed.   Traumatic brain Injury effects can last anywhere from a few days to a lifetime and might necessitate medical repatriation services as medical, surgical, and rehabilitation expenses can reach six figures or more. 


Although awareness about TBI has increased, there is still a lot of confusion surrounding it. The following list of facts that you might need to know should a loved one be affected by TBI:


  1. Mild brain injuries can affect brain cells temporarily.  More serious injuries can result in bruising, tissue, damage and bleeding.  These require more extensive treatment and can cause long-term complications, or even death.
  2. It affects young children, teenagers, and the elderly the most.  For children up to age 14 and senior citizens, the leading cause of traumatic brain injury is falling.  For teenagers and young adults, motor vehicle accidents were the most prevalent cause of brain injuries.  This is not to say that adults are not also affected by it.
  3. Many patients who get a concussion and visit a doctor or ER are not properly diagnosed.  Those with a mild injury often times do not receive the correct follow-up care. This results in incorrect health care benefits, government assistance, legal compensation or therapy for work related injuries.  Patients with brain injuries should have a follow-up appointment, and a phone call to check progress a day or two after the injury.
  4. Young children with brain injuries may not experience cognitive or behavioral issues initially.  As their brain matures and greater demands are placed on the child’s brain, the deficiencies become more apparent.  
  5. Patients may endure seizures after the head injury, days, weeks, or even years later, even if the initial injury is mild.  Trauma is one of the leading causes of seizures. Many patients experience multiple seizures after the first one. Serious trauma that requires surgery increases the risk of seizures and strokes.  
  6. Mild traumatic injuries may not result in a loss of consciousness, meaning the person may not seek treatment.  Even with non-severe injuries, there can be cognitive or mental issues such as mood swings, feelings of depression, or memory/concentration issues.  
  7. Symptoms of moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries may not present immediately.  Some may appear hours or days after the injury occurs. Examples include a persistent headache, grogginess, and weakness in extremities.  
  8. A doctor should be seen if someone has received a blow to the head or body that is concerning, or if they are exhibiting behavioral changes.  Emergency medical care should be administered following trauma to the head immediately.
  9. Once the TBI injury has been treated and stabilized, the most difficult and long term phase of rehabilitation commences. Rehab services must be introduced asap as to diminish the long term neurological consequences. Allista provides physical therapy, cognitive therapy, work-related therapy, electrode stimulation therapy, language therapy, deglutition or swallowing therapy, as well as pool therapy.


Traumatic brain injuries can be very serious and should be treated immediately after they occur.  Failure to do so can have long-lasting medical, physical, and behavioral ramifications for the patient. Medical repatriation services can help. Contact the experts at Allista to find the best healthcare treatment options for you.


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